Park Tool BBT-18 Bottom Bracket Tool for removing 8-notch bottom bracket cups Park Tool BBT-18C
Park Tool BBT-18 Bottom Bracket Tool for removing 8-notch bottom bracket cups Park Tool BBT-18C can be ordered from Internet destinations. And Park Tool BBT-18 Bottom Bracket Tool for removing 8-notch bottom bracket cups Park Tool BBT-18C will be delivered to you. My friend bought it used. And he recommended that I use. Park Tool BBT-18 Bottom Bracket Tool for removing 8-notch bottom bracket cups Park Tool BBT-18C is a great product. Quality-of-use. I bought it. And I love it. Park Tool BBT-18 Bottom Bracket Tool for removing 8-notch bottom bracket cups Park Tool BBT-18C needs very well. And components for use in the very Park Tool BBT-18 Bottom Bracket Tool for removing 8-notch bottom bracket cups Park Tool BBT-18C can act very well.Park Tool BBT-18 Bottom Bracket Tool for removing 8-notch bottom bracket cups Feature
- The BBT-18 is a heavy duty, investment cast tool
- The BBT-18C is used for installing and removing all Shimano, ISIS Drive, and ISIS Overdrive eight-notch bottom bracket cups.
- The BBT-18 is an updated version of the current BBT-8.
- The outside diameter of the tool has been changed so it provides a universal fit on all Shimano and ISIS Drive eight-notch cups
Park Tool BBT-18 Bottom Bracket Tool for removing 8-notch bottom bracket cups Overview
The BBT-18 is a heavy duty, investment cast tool for installing and removing all Shimano, ISIS Drive, and ISIS Overdrive eight-notch bottom bracket cups. The BBT-18 is an updated version of the current BBT-8. The outside diameter of the tool has been changed so it provides a universal fit on all Shimano and ISIS Drive eight-notch cups.POST TIME Jun 19, 2012 20:47:06
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